Saturday, July 26, 2008

Using and Developing Resources in the ESL classroom

As a teacher it is important for us to know our students so that the process of teaching and learning will go smoothly. It is because every children in our class is different even they are twins or triplets. that's what we called as individual differences as God has created every human being with their own unique personality. As for the children, i can simplify them as active, imaginative and creative in developing their language. From small we are created with the sense of curiosity so, the children learn language as part of the curiosity. therefore, they learn the language by creatively use their limited language resources to convey the message. they also learn indirectly by guessing the adults gestures, facial expression and body language to interpret the meaning of the message. although they tend to be wrong, they still can learn the language as practice make them to near perfect. they also learn language through games. children are active and can't stay still for a long time. their attention span is short, just about 10-15 minutes ( Penny McKay,2006). however, when they are playing they have the opportunity to use the language while interacting with their peers.
from all the characteristics stated above, I've learn that as a future teacher, i should aware of these characteristics and find alternatives to cater their ability. there are many ways that i can take in order to provide them with suitable input. one of them is through myself . That's mean, i as a teacher should be more expressive in conveying messages to them. Apart from making my instruction simple and clear it should come together with my expression and body language so that if they can't get the language they can interpret my gesture to understand the message. besides, during the teaching and learning process, i need to provide concrete materials to present the content so that they can experience by themselves. it is because according to a psychologist, Jean Piaget, at the age of 7-11 years old, they are at the concrete operational stage (lightbown and Spada, 2001). therefore, the technology can take the part to provide interesting and interactive learning materials. for example, to teach topic on 'Sports', i can download any video or pictures from or at to share with students as a way to induce them for further input. besides, they would get a clear and real picture of some sports that they never come across.
In addition, apart from just lecture and homework, they can learn through games. It is because through games, we can boost their confidence and self-esteem and games are also essential, integral part of children's language learning (Carol Read, 2007). For example, a simple games like Simon Says, Cards game, Guessing game and etc. using the Internet we can benefit by searching for any interactive games such as cross puzzle to enhance their vocabulary and spelling which help to develop their visual spatial awareness, creative thinking and numeracy. for example for learning mathematics in fun way you can try this link I think it would be best if we can design a game that involve their physical movement as they have a very short attention span. besides, it also help to develop their physical coordination and psychomotor skill (Carol Read, 2001).

in addition, threre a lots of activities that i can use to be used in the classroom. therefor, it is up to me to start hunting for the sources.
