Monday, August 25, 2008
taugh as ever..
Posted by huda at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Photo editing 2
It was hard but exciting for me to learn how to edit photo. I find that lots of things can be done to create an attractive and creative photo. Although we can capture the pictures it saves a lot of time just editing it. Besides, using photo editing software teachers can produce interesting teaching aids to the pupils. This concrete object will help them to comprehend the context though in the class. As a saying say that ‘Pictures worth thousand words’. Teacher can carry activities that can build their creativity and encourage them to think out of the box. For example, in enhancing their speaking skill, teacher can ask them to get them to give their opinion based on this picture:
Teacher can ask them some questions to prompt them to speak like:
1. -How many animals you can see on the picture?
2. -What are the animals doing?
3. -Where do the animals live?
4. -Do you think that that the duckling is the bear’s baby?
5. -What we call the bear’s baby?
These questions can be if the teacher wants to teach about animals and their babies. The above picture had been edited using AnvSoft Photo Manager soft ware (thanks to azliza). The soft ware provides many frames to decorates our picture for example Magic frames, stickers shots, cards etc. We also can create our own cover magazine.
Besides, i’ve also learn how to animate the picture using Adobe Image Ready. That’s amazing. (thanks to hudapauzi for the knowledge). This will glue our pupils to the picture, i bet. But, either there will be more noise or they are quiet is depending on how we control the class. However, the picture will try to help us.
Posted by huda at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Photo Editing...a step to go.
assalamualaikum and hi,
I think it would be very useful for me to know about photo editing. It is because through this process we can modify any picture to suit with our learners need and interest. Besides, using photo editing there's a lot to discover. For example, we make the photo interesting by adding our picture or the students picture in the picture that we going to display to the students. It would be fun and captivating which is it would attract the students to the lesson that will going to be taught on that day.
But, there's a lot more for me to discover on how to use photo editing software.For the time being i just downloading the Adobe Photoshop that i took from my friend. So, i need to explore many things on the software to be able for me to use as maximum as possible. Wish me Luck;-)
Posted by huda at 8:47 PM 0 comments